Ivybridge and Cornwood
- Quality care for 2-4 year olds -
What our Parent and Carers say ...
"As a parent of seven children I can highly recommend Ivybridge pre -school as a great start to education with their warm friendly staff and fun way of learning I wouldn't send mine anywhere else" 😀 – Jacqui
"My second daughter goes to Ivybridge Pre-School after my first daughter went and had an amazing time with all the Aunties.
My second daughter has flourished with the Aunties as well she is not 2 and a half yet and she is already hitting age 3 government targets. We are very happy parents with the care, support and education our girls have received and are still receiving at Ivybridge Pre-School." - Laura
"My son has attended Ivybridge Pre-School for just over a year. The staff are friendly and I always get an honest evaluation of how he's getting on. We have found them to be very flexible when we have been stuck for childcare on days when my child doesn't usually attend, which has been godsend." - Amy